
Joined: June 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 309794
Hey :) Im Taytum but my freinds call me Tay! I am a girl i live in sunny Californa. All my life  i feel like i have been invisible.. But this summer is going to change all that im going to become  B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Im oging to go on runs get on a diet to get slimmer and toned in all the right areas ;) Im getting my braces off soon and im going to bleach my teeth. I already bought this proactive stuff to get rid of my acne. Im going to ride the buss to the beach every morning and tan for a few hours. Im getting my hair bleached and cut kinda like this
Im gonna buy clothes that I like not what everyone else likes and this summer
im just going to be Me.

 Hopefully i can finish this all by the end of summer so by the time i get to school i will be flawless. and then hopefully someone will notice me. <3

Wish me luck!

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