
Joined: February 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 271211

Hello beautiful/handsom♥ Call me "belly" :D I'm 14 at the moment. Demi Lovato& Taylor swift are my role models :) I have a small group of friends, but I talk to like everyone. I tend to be shy at first. I have insomnia. So I usually stay up and wirte stories. I wanna write and do photography when I'm older. I wanna live in Paris for atleast a year. I'm teaching myself French :) I try to be positive and make everyone happy. I like helping people. I'm a great listener. So you can always talk to me(:
I'm obsessed with The Hunger Games. I'm so siked that Josh Hutcherson is Peeta♥♥♥ I've read the books so many times I lost count. haha:) Um... I like my best friends boyfriend...I feel bad but I can't help it. He's so amazing& perfect♥ Uhhh...I love going to Rollerworld and amusment parks. I'm in 4-H. It's one of the only things I'm good at. I hate drama so please if you don't have anything nice to say then just keep your mouth shut. uhmmm....So yea. Any questions?♥

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