
Joined: January 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 148291

Quotes by Biebersdarlingg

Dear Justin,
It’s been 2 years ever since we’ve seen that little guy in that grey hoodie. It’s been 2 years ever since you’ve started living your dream. That was the start of it all? Do you know how much you’ve accomplished in only 2 YEARS? You’ve gotten many awards, a movie, number one hits, and there’s so many to list. I’m proud of you. Actually, WE are all proud of you. Us, beliebers. You taught us to believe in our dreams. You taught us to never say never. You brought us hope. You’re our inspiration. You always thank us, but really, we wanna thank YOU. You mean a lot to us. More than you can ever imagine. So keep living your dream, kid. It’s only just the beginning .
 Sincerley, Beliebers

Happy One Time
Two Year
Anniversary. ♥



;Happy BirthdayJazzy



Never Say stores today. ♥

So i Just lost
my best friend..

Dear Justin bieber haters;
Remember When you were 17? You won 20+ awards? Wrote a book? Made a Movie? 4 cd's? 2 tours? and millions of fans? RRR R
yeah me neither...

Credit to whoever(:

Some girls want a prince on a white horse in shining armor..

I want a boy from Canada wearing Supras who says "Swag" ♥ 




All the negativity is not gun' get rid of me. I'm here to make HiStOrY

Favorite if; you're a 
                      ♥BELIEBER ♥

Baby; Me without you is like Justin Bieber without fans