
Joined: September 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 218938

I'm undescribable! Most people call me an oreo but I don't think my personality has a color. I listen to any kind of music that speaks to me(not literaally!) or has a catchy beat. I haven't really dated yet but I have a lot of boys as friends that have given me a head start on the dating field so hit me up for advice. I'm not ashamed to say I've been bullied but I'm trying to get over that now. Witty has really helped me with my love to hard to easy problem but I'm still

Big Hearted!

Quotes by BigHearted3

Today #1

I decided that I wasn't listening to magizines


If I'm ugly don't look at me

That if a boy doesn't like me because I'm wearing sweats he was only looking for one thing anyway

I can dress up and be pretty for myself not for the attention of boys

That if he can't accept me in sweats he doesn't deserve me in a dress

You made me cry once but I won't allow you to it again

and I'm going to be me and if you don't like well then too bad!