
Status: i hate misha collins
Joined: June 10, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 181501
Location: new zealand my homies
Gender: F

Quotes by BlackButterflies

last week i was at a coffee shop with my boyfriend and this guy i know was working there and i asked if i could have a coffee and he just replied with 'no' and then stared at me for like five seconds and i didn't know what to do even though he was obviously joking so i just kind of shuffled back and hid behind my boyfriend for five minutes

i've missed sharing my socially awkward adventures with the internet


what is going on here. why are there pictures. where did the faves go.

at school today my teacher walked into class wearing a full suit of armour, got to his desk, said "oh sh/t i forgot my phone charger.", knocked over a pot plant, jogged out of the classroom and didn't return.

i was at the park and i walked past two parents and their little girl who was about 2 years old. when her mum and dad's backs were turned she somehow managed to remove her trousers, throw them behind her and begin to dance in a way that i can only compare to a very small, happy wombat trying to catch a butterfly. her parents turned around and saw what she was doing and i sh/t you not they both yelled at the exact same time "NO! NO, THE PARK IS A 'PANTS-ON PARTY'!"

she stuck out her tongue, picked up her jeans from the ground and said, "it isn't a party if the pants are on." 


so i went on a roadtrip with my friends and:

- we went to see Frozen in a small town movie theater that had mismatched couches instead of chairs and also the little paper tickets that say "admit one" on them

- we drank 21 litres of iced tea and 12 litres of iced coffee between us 

- the guy at subway gave me seven free cookies. shoutout to the guy at subway. i ate all the cookies and a 12 inch sub so i think he stopped thinking i was hot at that point but it was glorious

- we all bought snapbacks and at one point i was wearing 5 snapbacks at once and that had to be the moment when i ran into our principal

- he looked at me and nodded then literally backed away

- there was a sign in the middle of nowhere that said "santa is dead and the reindeer have taken over." 

- ???????????????????????? what

- i might have purchased all the guys underwear that said "YOLO" on the waistband and confiscated all their other underwear so they had to wear them

- when i say might have i mean that that's exactly what happened and i've never been prouder of myself

- we witnessed an old man vault over a fence into private property to pick a bunch of flowers for his wife :))))



- one of my friends got very tired and fell asleep wearing only his YOLO underwear, one sock and a floral bonnet

- i was dared to go a week without coffee and i made it four days before i gave in and drank three consecutive cups within half an hour

- we wrote Hannibal fanfiction in the car i love my friends so much

i don't know i just wanted to share that stuff because it was great and i want to remember it forever :) 


i have to use the oxford comma because if i don't use it i'll end up writing something like "i bought eggs, milk and sugar" which makes me sound like i'm telling a bowl of milk and sugar all about my shopping adventures instead of listing what i purchased.

oh my swEET LORD i was at the grocery store today (incidentially i was buying four large bars of chocolate but that's irrelevant shut up) and the girl next to me was trying to buy stuff at the self checkout thingy but it kept rejecting the notes she put in and she tried SO MANY TIMES and in the end she had to pay in entirely dollar coins and when the machine said "thank you for shopping with us!" in its cheerful little voice she just muttered "you're welcome, you abysmal piece of" and left the shop

i want to build a house inside your ribcage
and live there next to your heart forever.

forever is a short word and a long time,
but it is made up of a million tiny infinities
stacked together like playing cards,

and love is a game that everyone tries to 
cheat at but no one knows how to win.


hey merry christmas everyone (probably a little bit early for you guys but its christmas morning in new zealand so...) please relax and eat nice food and have a great day!!

that also goes out to people who don't celebrate christmas i hope you guys have a fab december 25th too!!!

i hate that girls say "i'm not like other girls!!!" as if there is something very wrong with being like other girls

i hate that a lot of girls still think that se.x is meant to hurt the first time because they think the hymen "pops" when actually it naturally has a hole in it (how do you think tampons work? come on now.) and pain the first time means it was too rough or too fast or you need surgery because the hymen just kind of stretches usually and it should only hurt a little bit or not at all

i hate that girls use words like sl.ut and to insult other girls when using those words actually insult and shame all females for having bodies and using them 

i hate that i know i am going to get comments on this telling me how wrong i am about all of this (probably to the tune of "i'm not like other girls" or "but girls actually do x and y" )

i hate that it is socially acceptable to hate yourself but not to love yourself

i hate that it is okay for guys to take revealing pictures of women without their consent and post them on the internet but we laugh at girls who take selfies even though they are just taking control of how they're seen

i hate that we shame the girls who send the photos but not the guys who show them to their friends and send them around

i hate the attitude people have towards periods in general because god damn we can't help it the only way to stop having periods is to get pregnant

i think girls need to be a lot nicer to each other.