
Joined: May 1, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 107797
Anyone can't understand me:I am without a doubt, the single most confusing person you will ever come by. Few understand me, and many underestimate me. I'll speak to you in disordered metaphors, added with some foul language. I'll smile, then spit. I spew eccentric phrases that continuously confirm the fact I am a contradiction to myself. Weakness comes and it goes. I'm not an item, therefor I can't be bought. I'm not a fool, so quit sweet talking me. I'm not a game, you can't win me over. I am human, and I'm overwhelmed with excitement and curiosity. I fuck with best and I'm not settling for anything less. I view myself as unconventional in almost every sense. I'm a really sarcastic person, and if you have trouble sensing sarcasm, you'll probably end up hating me. It's not constant, but it's enough to do the trick.I have a cynical sense of humor. I say really rude things without thinking, I really don't care what reaction it may cause. But, this subject, I will end here, because describing my personality, any personality, is simply ridiculous.I am clingy, obnoxious, smart, gullible, super mature, silly, perverted, needy, stupid,prude, sarcastic, immature, very serious, perfectly put together, and horribly broken apart. I have more damn flaws than anyone I know, and I always contridict myself. I don't think I ever actually stop thinking. I'm not different, unique, original, or anything special. I'm ready for things to change and get better, instead of constantly going down the tubes. I have no idea who I am; I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Blah. Blah. Blah. Honestly, who cares? No one wants my life story. This is why you get to know me. What i really do or dont like:Exploring and expanding my artistic ability is something I will never cease to do.I also love to take pictures, draw and write. You will never fathom just how much value I place on art, every form of it. From fine arts to body modification, I respect it all.
If I could just manage to remember more of my dreams, or record them even, I woldn't feel as though the third of my life that will be spent sleeping is a waste. I think I would learn a lot from my dreams, it's just a damn shame I can rarely recall them. Have you everheard that saying, "drunken words are sober thoughts"? Mostly it's true. I'm careful about what I do, but lately things have been turning. I'm making decisions, I just wish I could be smarter about it but I don't find them necessarily bad, I just find the outcome disappointing.I'm amazed at a lot of people I've met recently. There have been quite a few who have opened my eyes and made me look at a lot of things differently, then there are some people who are just really weird and makes me feel uncomfortable. Everyone's different, and diversity helps me throughout the day, strangely. Conversely, humans never were, and never will be built to tear themselves down. What I really need? :We've managed to take the very function of a heart and tie it to our fucked up perceptions of what a human needs to survive, we've cluttered it with all these emotions; emotions that have made us nearly defenseless to the filthy hands of others. We are just another species; humans, homo sapiens, why do we make things so difficult? A truly peculiar thing. I've come to the realization that if you never form high expectations for anyone or anything, you will never be disappointed. Cheers to giving up on humanity! Why should I be?:I'm not at the disco and I don't
dance to Fall Out Boy. I won't bring you the horizon and I doubt you wear Prada. I don't mosh, I'm not br00tal, so STFU. You won't get hit, if you talk shit. You're not gangster, hustler, or gore
in your Hollister hoodie or with your Hello Kitty necklace. Last time I checked phobias weren't a good thing and if they were bad enough, I do believe there is a treatment. I don't need to take my
clothes off to make friends, or steal a celebrities last name to make myself look better than you.

You Jock this I'll hunt you down. :D
I love you all.

Quotes by Callherkelsie


You`re right. I have never had a bad break up.

I have never had my heart broken into a million pieces.

  I have no right to put up these walls, right?

but I have seen my friends cry for months over boys

who they gave their hearts to. I have seen boys

promise 'forever' only to watch forever end a

few months later, when they find someone better

to sleep with. I have stayed up countless nights,

not by choice, but because my parents were

fighting so loud that I couldn't fall asleep.

I have been the shoulder to cry on.

I have seen the strongest people in the world become weak for

& I refuse to be that girl.


"There's too many things I haven't done yet. Too many sunsets   I haven't seen."

"Like a bird with broken wings
I live without direction..."

I make the cutest faces
when I scream obscenities.


Her favorite song will say more about her...
Then her mouth ever will.


The one & only
You Can't clone me.


Heart's are breaking all over the world tonight.
You took my hand stared into these green eyes
& promised that mine would never be one of those hearts.
....You lied. <|3

mine. No "jocking" please
<3 You all are wonderful

Alone, is a difficult place to be.

Miss you.
Can't you for once in your life 
act like a human being & show
me some kind of emotion?

Just let me know I'm not the
only one dying from our crude
exchange of words.

Our conversations has turned to
10 minutes of silence on the phone.
Followed by a " I think I'm gonna go"
*clicks off* ..But wait you forgot
The traditional "I love you baby-girl* "

Or were you never planning on saying it?

Major Vent. 
"/ No jocking <3
S c a r l e t. takes a tumble. <----- Type this into

S i n g l e L a d i e s. Gone wrong. <------ Type this into
then come back.
& Press the Organ <3
If these videos made you replay them over and over
like they made me!!!
