
Joined: January 23, 2012
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 267113
Layout Credit


Name: Danielle, Shay
Gender: Female
Age: 16
About Me: I love to write stories and get feedback from readers. Music is my passion and I am blessed with the most amazing
people in my life :)


Past Skin Deep

Quotes by CaptiveHeartx10

Past Skin Deep

I'm delaying this story for a little while because someone keeps reporting my chapters...
The one's that have absolutely no bad content in it.
I get you want to save Witty but seriously, some of you are doing it for kicks.
And it's really annoying so I will be delaying Chapter 7 until further notice.

Past Skin Deep
-Chapter 6

 I saw a wave of shock go through his face and shut my eyes to avoid seeing anything else.
My hand were around his neck and I had to be standing on my tippy toes to connect our lips. Our bodies were touching and I could feel his well built body underneathe.
I'm not sure how long we had kissed but just then I felt his hands link down to my waist which I thought was going to be to pull me closer, but instead he pushed me away gently.
"Umm...Ashlee? What are you-" before he could finish the question I heard another voice behind me.
"Ashlee?" I heard Mason's voice croak.
I winced and looked up at Damon and mouthed, please, and then finally spun around.
"Mason! I-I..." I stuttered.
His features switched from hurt to fury.
"What the f/ck man?!" He shouted giving Damon a hard push but Damon barely faltered.
A sly smile crept across Damon's face, "I'm sorry, is she your's?" He asked innocently putting his arm around my shoulders. "Well, who would've known with the way she basically threw herself at me."
Mason's jaw and fists clenched. "You get your filthy hands off her."
Damon's face looked amused as he stepped toward Mason. Damon was a little bit taller than Mason but their bodies were practically the same.
"Stop!"  I shouted stepping in between the two with my hands up.
"You never mentioned an obsessive ex-boyfriend Ash." He smiled again, not taking his gaze off Mason.
A grumble errupted from Mason's chest as he pushed me aside and swung for Damon. But Damon had seen it coming and dodged it with ease and the momentum of Mason's punch was enough to spin a little withour contact. 
And gracefully Damon snatched the back of his neck with one hand and snapped Mason's head back so he was looking up at Damon and twisted Mason's arm around so it was on his back.
I gasped and ran for Damon, grabbing his arm.
"Don't hurt him!"
"Listen kid, I don't want to hurt you too bad." Damon began. "So how about you just go back to your little friends and enjoy the rest of your night." 
He didn't wait for Mason to respond and shoved him forward making Mason stumble.
Mason turned around red in the face and before he could say anything to me Damon wrapped his arm around my waist and shooed him with the other.
We watched Mason stumble back into the crowd, occasionally looking back at us.
Once he was lost in the mass of people Damon's arm dropped and he turned to me.
"Well, I'd better go." He said casually.
"This parties dead now, I'm going home." He said turning to leave.
"Wait!" I grabbed his arm and he simply looked down at it.
When I didn't say anything else he turned around. "Yes?"
" can't leave me here." I stuttered.
He chuckled, "well you were doing just fine before I got here."
"Yeah well...that was before you kissed me."
"You kissed me." He corrected.
"But you kissed me back." I pointed out.
He laughed again, "goodbye Ashlee."
"Damon," I said running infront of him blocking his way. 
"Would you like to come home and sleep with me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
My hands dropped from his chest and I stepped back.
"Exactly." He whispered in my ear as he stepped around me.
I starred blankly at the distance listening to his footstep fade away, then stop.
"Would you like a ride home Ashlee?" He half shouted, forcing me to turn around.
I nodded and headed towards him, smiling in triumph.
"Thank you." I said as he opened the passengers side door for me to get in.
He got in the drivers side and as he started up the car said, "least I could do for the kiss."
He gave me a crooked smile that made me die a little and then drove out of the parking lot.

~SO sorry for the delay I got caught up in homework and New Years and gah! So busy :(
But I'm back now and I'll try to get back on track, nice long chapter for y'all.
Enjoy beautifuls xx.

Past Skin Deep
-Chapter 5

 I honestly had no clue what I was to do. I just stared at his smile and finally I brought up the strength to smile back.
He turned around to leave but I stopped him. I couldn't let him go now.
"Hey!" I said tapping his shoulder. 
He turned around and looked at me, waiting for me to say something. He had an amused smile at me as I fumbled over my thoughts. 
What is wrong with me? Say something you idiot!
I took a deep breath and put on my best Ashlee Fritsch smile.
"My name is Ashlee." I said sticking out my hand.
He shoke it and said, "my name is Damon."
"Nice to meet you, are you new here?"
He looked around him then back at me, "how about we go some where we can hear eachother."
I smiled and nodded and followed him to a place down near the water where there were less people.
The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore was so peaceful and relaxing.
I decided to be confident, I can't act like this over guys. Guys act this way over me not the other way around.
"So, where are you from? I don't think I've ever seen you." I asked casually taking a sip from my drink.
"No I just moved here from up north to live with my uncle."
"Oh cool!" I smile at the fact that he said he moved here, meaning he was staying. "So how old are you, Damon?" I liked the way his name rolled off my tongue. It was a mysterious name for a myterious guy.
"Nineteen, and yourself?"
I couldn't help but feel upset, that probably meant he was out of high school.
"I just turned eighteen in July. Senior year of high school." I said a little embarrassed.
He laughed. We carried on small talk about where he came from and slowly got to the topic of my life.
Apparently though, he lived Colerado most of his life where his parents were high class buisness people and made stacks of cash. One thing we had in common was that neither of us seen much of our parents because of their work. 
I also learned he had an older brother who was older by 2 years but no other siblings.
However, Damon had decided that he wanted to change a little of his life and moved in with his uncle.
I couldn't help but feel something while I was around him, what was this feeling?
I have been in love before but never had a feeling like this.
What am I saying, I just met the guy I wasn't in love with him that was ridiculous.
We were really having a great time sharing some laughs and getting to know eachother, I had completely forgot about everything and everyone else I came with.
That is until I heard my name being called.
I spun around, I swear I just heard it.
I scanned the crowds of people to see who it was that was calling my name.
When suddently I froze.
"What is it Ashlee?" I heard Damon ask behind me.
It was Mason, I recognized his voice now. What was I going to do?
I looked at the crowds again and saw him walking through the mess of people looking for me.
He was closer then I thought and if he turned his head this way he would see me.
A sharp pang of guilt errupted in the core of my stomach and I turned around to face Damon.
I heard my name being called again from behind, closer than before.
"Ashlee?" His face was filled with concern, as if he thought I was going to throw up at any moment.
I looked at him not knowing what to say, or do for that matter.
There was my name again, closer.
I don't know what came over me, maybe it was remembering what I was supposed to do and the time and place, but the next thing I knew I had thrown myself at Damon.
And I kissed him.
Sorry couldn't post yesterday, was caught up in stuff. But happy new years:) hope it's great!
Fave? Follow? Suggestion? Giv'r! :)

Hope you enjoy<3 xo

Past Skin Deep
-Chapter 4

 We arrived at the beach ten minutes later and we were awe sturck.
They out did themselves again that's for sure.
Coloured lights hung everywhere possible, the dance floor lit up in any colour you could ever imagine and it was all completed with smoke machines and a live DJ. And a bar of course.
We parked our cars and immediately we were surrounded by people from school, one thing I didn't miss.
Mason kept a tight grip around my waist the entire time and the more the night went on the more nervous I got. I tried to drown out the butterflies in my stomach with shots but I knew what I had to do.
I had to cheat on the guy I loved most.
About half an hour into the party we were all dancing and drinking and having a great time, I almost forgot about everything...almost.
"I'm going to go grab another drink!" I shouted to Mason over the blaring music.
He nodded and kissed me one last time.
I stumbled over to the bar, getting compliments left and right and guys attempting to hit on me.
"A pink Vex please." I said to the bar tender.
He nodded and went off, so I took a seat on the bar stool and waited. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and jumped.
"Take it easy girl it's just me." Lauren laughed taking a seat beside me.
I laughed too, "sorry."
There was an awkward moment of silence before the bar tender came with my drink. I was about to get up and leave before Lauren spoke up.
"So, have you picked out a guy yet?"
I stopped in my tracks and tapped my manicured fingernails on the glass bottle.
I turned to look at her and gave her a weak smile, "will you help me?"
She smiled showing her pearly whites and patted the stool next to her.
"Well, I was thinking of going with someone kind of close with Mason to make it hurt that much more for him." I flinched at the sounds of that, but she continued. "Possibly Keith Matthews?"
I thought about it for a minute, "well, he isn't bad looking but him and Mason are on mutual levels. Meaning Mason would probably pound him."
"That's true. Hmm..." I waited for her to think some more when someone caught my eye.
He was gorgeous, stood out from everyone else. His face was beautifully sculpted and his features were stunning. He had dark brown, or black beautiful curls, it was hard to tell in the lighting. And his eyes, they were green like mine, but they were so bright and beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off them.
"Ashlee!" Lauren said snapping her fingers infront of my face.
"I said what about Derrick Johnston?" She rolled her eyes.
"Oh, yeah well he's kind know...yeah." I stuttered my eyes drifting back to whoever it was I saw before. I felt Lauren's gaze follow mine and she gasped.
"Who's that?" She asked and I wished I had the answer.
"I have no idea."
He looked in our direction and we both quickly turned the other way.
"How about we go find Seli and Morg and ask them who?" Lauren suggested.
"Ok." I nodded getting up and following behind her.
It was a struggle to get back and somewhere along the line I lost sight of Lauren and was just about to call out for her when a foot came out of nowhere and into my line of walking and tripped me.
Before I could even let out a scream or hit the ground a strong, cold pair of arms caught me and helped me back to my feet.
"Thank you so much," I gasped.
When I looked up heat immediately rose to my cheeks.
It was him, the mytery guy...the god. He had caught me.
"Don't mention it." He smiled his green eyes twinkling in the light.
Fave? Follow? Suggestion? Giv'r! :)

Hope you enjoy<3 xo

Past Skin Deep
-Chapter 2

Okay Ashlee, don't be a coward.
"Mason!" I said a little too enthusiastically, spinning around planting a strong kiss on his soft lips. 
I guess it was a little too much given the look that was on my friends shocked me too tho be honest, but I had to play it off like everything was fine until I knew that was for sure what I wanted. I pulled away shyly looking down at my feet.
Mason laughed, "hey beautiful."
When I looked up my stomach churned at his gorgeous features.
His dark chocolate brown eyes that perfectly matched his shaggy brown hair. His body was built as any other athletes body should and his perfectly chizzled face was just...simply perfect.
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
So why wasn't I happy?
"Where are you girls headed?" Brandon said pulling me out of my thoughts. It was only then that I fully noticed that Mason brought his crew. Brandon, Logan and Scott with his arms wrapped around Morgan. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two.
"Just doing our last of summer shopping. Et tu?" Lauren said a little flirtatiously at Brandon.
Ever since grade school she had a crush on him...I always wondered if he knew but wasn't into her or if he was actually that stupid and clueless. How can you ever know with boys right?
"Sweet," Brandon said smiling at Lauren. "You guys going to the summer party tonight?"
"Will it be a party if we aren't there?" Selina rolled her eyes and playfully punched him.
My eyes flicked over to Lauren who was obviously jealous.
She flicked her tongue, "well let's get on with our shopping shall we?"
Looks like I'll have to be doing some clarifying with my best friend later. Don't get me wrong I loved my girls to death, but out of the four Selina and Morgan were the one's I shared everything with and trusted them with my life. Lauren was a really good friend too, but she also was the big mouth of the group and I tended to not tell her things right away.
But we were the perfect four, Lauren being the tall one, with light brown hair that hung straight down her back and light blue eyes.
Morgan was just a little bit shorter then myself and was constantly dying her hair but for now it was brown with blonde highlights and also had blue eyes.
Selina was my height, average height long black hair that she often loose curled, and blue eyes.
Then there was me, long pin straight blonde hair, pal complexion and piercing green eyes. I had taken dance since I was 5 so I had the perfect body. Us girls were highly looked up to, but it was mainly me, as obnoxious as that sounded I was the ruler of schools, always had been.
"I'm getting pretty hungry." Morgan started after the fourth store.
"Me too, let's head over to the food court and grab a bite to eat."
"Ok, but after I want to head to Forever 21 to get new party attire." I said to the girls. "And you boys can go do whatever and we'll text you when we're done and we'll meet up. Sound good?"
"Sounds perfect baby." Mason smiled kissing my temple.
I gave a weak smile and we headed to the food court. The guilt was eating me alive, I didn't know how much more of Mason I could take...but I couldn't lose him. That was all I knew. 

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, computer crashed :(
Fave? Follow? Suggestion? Giv'r! :)
Hope you enjoy<3 xo

Past Skin Deep
-Chapter 1

"I can't believe school starts in just two more days." Morgan pouted from the back seat of the car. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed myself, even though I knew this year would be a good one.
"Cheer up Morg, we're finally seniors. It's our last year of high school and we're basically sitting on the throne of the school now." I reassured.
Morgan snorted, "we've always ruled the school because of you Ashlee." 
"It's true," Selina piped in. "Everyone's always been at your service all your life. You basically rule Riverton County."
I rolled my eyes at my friends and gave a quick laugh. "Well, I didn't ask for this you know. It came naturally." 
Which was true, I didn't know how things got this way, it all just sort of fell into place. I was always looked up to by my peers. I was the girl every other girl wanted to be and the girl every boy wanted. 
"Well, whatever magical powers you have it still doesn't deminish the fact that I'm bummed about school." Morgan frowned. "But I am looking forward to prom." She said getting a little excited.
"Oh my god me too!" Lauren chimmed in. Normally she'd have full focus on the road in the fear of crashing but this topic livened her up. "Imagine how stunning Ash is going to look standing next to sexy quaterback football star Mason when they win prom king and queen." She winked nugging me with her elbow.
My face dropped as I quickly swallowed a fast growing lump in my throat.
I pressed my back against the seat, eyes fixed on the road. 
"That's another thing I wanted to talk about before the school year starts..." I muttered twisting my fingers in my dirty blonde hair.
They looked at me waiting for me to continue. 
"I think I'm going to break up with Mason." 
I watched their jaws drop and saddness creep into their features.
"What? Why?!" Morgan was the first to speak up. "You guys are perfect for each other!"
I then realised I had been holding my breath and let it out. "I don't know, I guess I just feel like we're not going feels like we're at a stand still, you know?"
They all looked away and a moment of silence fell over us all.
"I understand Ash," Selina said reassuringly. "I think we all do, we just are shocked because we never pictured you guys apart." They all nodded in agreement.
We had just found a parking spot but no one got out at first.
"Well..." Lauren said getting out. "How about we talk about this tonight? Right now we have some money to blow and things to by with such little time."
I smiled and got out. "I agree, after all it is the third last day of summer." I said winking at Morgan who groaned in return.
We made our way into the mall but before we could enter the first store I felt a warm, strong set of arms wrap around my waist. My stomach churned and by the smell of the cologne and the look on my friends faces, I knew who it was. And I was right.

Fave? Follow? Suggestion? Giv'r! :)
Hope you enjoy<3 xo

Ever suffered bullying or

thought about suicide?

Maybe you lost a love one to suicide, I've had all of the above. And recent events have made up my mind.
I am going to write a song about it.
My boyfriend and I are going to work on it together because it's something that hits me hard and I want to do a song in memory of all those beautiful people that gave up their lives because of bullying or any thing else.
And I don't think many people will read this... but I want everyone that has ever been victimized to write a comment maybe, just a sentense or two. That I can turn into lyrics and put it this song.
I love you all so much, and if you've ever thought about suicide, I'm glad you're still here. So please feel free to leave a comment for me to put in a song. I hpoe this gets around. xo.


Follow fofollow?
 I'm going to be writing stories on here and my first story is going to be a romance/vampire story to switch it up a bit :) 
ps- I do follow back!