
Status: nothing's fine, i'm torn...
Joined: February 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270107
Location: with one direction
Gender: F

Quotes by CarolineLoves1D

Here's to Directioners
who know which One Direction song is playing after they've listened to the first beat.

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One Direction Quote #10

Int: "So, who is the best kisser?"
Louis:"But how are we supposed to know who the best kisser is?!"
Harry: "It's Nial.."

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Format credit: Sandrasaurus

Naming my five children
Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry
even if they're girls
because yolo.

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One Direction Quote #9

Int: Any phobias?
Liam: Spoons!
Zayn: Water & heights.
Louis: Growing up.
Niall: Waking up in the morning.
Harry: Crocodile eggs.

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One Direction Fact #3
By 2013 One Direction are predicted to be the biggest boy band in history.

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Friend: What are you gonna do when Niall becomes father?
Me: Become a mother :)
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Person: It's so hot in here.

Me: Are Zayn, Louis, Harry, Niall and Liam here?!


Louis hacking your Twitter and tweeting "I'm sexy and I know it ;) Guess who?"

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You're laying on Zayn's chest while he is stroking your hair and singing "Let Me Love You". ♥

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I'm insecure, I know what for,
I look like a potato next to Danielle and Elean-or.

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