
Joined: August 25, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87399
heey ! the names caroline. my friend helped me make this account.. so im new..and not very good (: my friends and family are awesomee <3 i couldnt live without themm.  i play soccer (: its my favorite sport. thats basically all you need to knoww! askk for my screennamee ! [=
im new.. i dont really know any yet (:
not going to do one yet .
flipflops.jpg picture by Carolineeeee68xo

Quotes by Carolineeeee68xo

It is by chance we met but
By choice we became best friends :)

Together forever, never apart. 
Maybe in distance, but never in heart.

A real friend is one who walks in
when the rest of the world walks out

nott mineee
no credit
A r e   y o u   t h e   r e a s o n   f o r
my lack of breath? <3