
Joined: December 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 138478
Gender: F

Quotes by Choc_em

It digusts me to think that one day,
We could all be turned into yellow sparkly dinosaurs with blue polka dots by the evil witch of Narnia who then raises an army of Centaurs to capture us and prepare us for a party where we are the entertainment and then turns us into a marshmellow pie for dessert
And yet every one goes about their day without a care in the world.


you're so immature


Ellen: 23 million people have viewed the video on YouTube. Do you know how many that is?


fave and i will put a comment on your profile & fave 1 of your quotes :)
i know there are a lot of these quotes out there
but I PROMISE I will do each and every one of them!

Yolo does not mean doing drugs and getting drunk and ruining your life just cause you are young. It means make something of your life while you still can..

It was the last day before the holidays
and I caught him staring at me 
until his friend called his name.


Sister "Honestly, how many times a day do you change your clothes?"

Me: "Depends how messy my room is.."


That Cute Moment
When your best friend spams your news feed

Feeling like a noob
When no-one
Likes your quote

I hate when..
People copy our
quote format