
Joined: December 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 140443
Hey, my name is Christina (: I live in Maine, I'm 13, I have three main best friends (abby, alexandra, and kayla) and I tell them everythingg. I have a boyfriend, but you'll learn more about him in his dedicated box below :)
Casey is the nicest boyfriend ever. He's the cuestest,  and you know, there is no words to say anything more about him because I can't. He's the best thing that has happened to me in a while ;)
Casey Maguire.

this is my new Witty account, my old one was chrissie726 but no one calls me chrissie... ;p
Christina (me): i have brown hair, brown eyes, um, yeah?

Well if you have any questions just ask me on here, on facebook (you can add me). Look me up (Christina Scenna; I'm the girl on the right and the picture is black and white).

I have an email too if you want to ask me anything.

music= love. that's all I can say.

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