
Joined: April 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167688
Hey Im Elizabeth :)

Theres not a lot about me so...

Heres the top 10...
 1. I have 3 dogs
2. Im kinda shy
3. Im rarely on
4. I have Red long hair and gray eyes
5. I hate dresses and skirts
6. I love to sing
7. I hate One Direction... sorry :/ no hate
8. I love Christina Grimmie
9. I have this one friend who I cant stand and she always hangs around me and I seem to never be able to hang out with other people. Its like she controls me and It sucks.!
10.I loveeeee the color yellow [:

Comments by Colorful657

Colorful657 1 decade ago to forever611
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hahah thanks :) I dont understand why people dont follow the golden rule :L hahaha
IF she Treated us like biches wont we treat her back like one hahah!! anyways ur really Pretty :)
Colorful657 1 decade ago to forever611
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Hey that girl Natalie she did it to me, She swore at me and stuff and I just tryed to walk away she she kept going at me. If she got bullied so ment years she turned into one of them. Dont let her get u down Girl! hahahah Im following you :)
Colorful657 1 decade ago to weecullen
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That Really Sucks. It hurts to see that
Colorful657 1 decade ago to markiegbrl
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