
Joined: October 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 231885
Hey guys.
So this is just where I spill my heart out and confess stuff, etc.
Need anything?
Well hello. :) 

One Direction | Paramore | Him♥ | My cat | My dog

Quotes by Confessionsofanaveragemess

Confession #32
That quote saying he told me he loves me...
He lied. He lied.


Confession #31
So my friend LITERALLY told me to dig my nail into me, so you know, being helpful, I DID.
Now she wont even talk to me.


Confession #30
I remembered this account today
I have no followers, and today is my 1 year-aversary on here.. 
Weird I remembered, right?
Sad too.


Confession #29
I think I've found someone
But I dont wanna hurt my friends feelings by dating them.
Shes his Ex


Confession #28
He thought all of our relationship was a joke, played me like a game, ignored me for weeks, flirted with other girls in my face, called one of my best friends his girlfriend, forced my best friend to keep the secret a secret, made me and 2 more friends cry, sent x's to another girl (not me), called me over-reactive cause he broke my heart, went out with one of my best friends, deleted me off facebook, forgotten our 3 week anniversary, shouted in my face, said he didn't want to speak to me, told me he'd die without me (he should be dead by now.), bragged about how he was the best pilot on a game, replied 7 HOURS after I texted him, left me to go on his game AND made me cry FIVE times in ONE night
I forgave him.

How stupid am I?


Confession #27
You know what?
I'm in pain right now.
Wanna know why?
Cause arguing with the person you love



Confession #26
He told me he loves me♥


Confession #25
I am


Confession #24
This is funny.
But my friend was standing infront of me, and I was tempted to lick her hair :P
Bahaha this is serious, and then my other friend actually done it to me.


Confession #24
I can do a really good zombie face :)
And I'm proud of it :)
