
Joined: February 3, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 33717
heyy! im Brianna. or Bree either one is fine. these quotes are all mine?! yeah thats right lol you can IM me if you would like me to make one just for you.. or IM me if you want me to make a quote look good.. or if you just wanna talk.. it doesnt matter to me! you can just take what ever i have submitted. i am a cheerleader.. and gymnast! you know you love it i could not survive a DAY with out my bestfriends! bAILEY[wIGGLES lOVER 77 pROSTITUTE mAKER],lO[wHORAH/rOBIN], jESSICUR, cATHERCUBBIKINS, sENOR rIZADO, nEZZBILICOUS mY sEXY pIRATE, mATT PETZ, mY CHINK, sARAH mY oLD mAN lOVER && last bust NOT LEAST dRAY-AHH mY lOVEY IM for edits on any of my quotes ♥ P.S. I do have edits for EVERY quote submitted just im and ask for an edit if you would like

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