
Joined: January 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265482
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Tell me you love me,
and I'll be yours forever �
Hai haiii:) So my full names Dakota Lynn Edwards, But forget the las name, most people will just call me kota. I'm 14, my birf date ish December 30th:)I will be going into 9th grade soon. Haha. I am deeply in love with my boyfriend Connor Rian<3 My fav colour is purple, & anything else neon:) I LOVE zebra print & anything crazy, fuzzy, & colorful:) I am TERRIFIED of frogs. I used to be pretty hurt & lost, what most people would say is emo (I don't label) & if I was to have to give myself a label, I would say most peope think I'm scene. I love listening to music & chilling with my girlis. My favorite band is Blood on The Dance Floor & NeverShoutNever! but I listen to many others as well:) I absolutely adore drawing & writing, I draw on everything & anything. I love piano, but can't exactly read sheet music, but am learning(; I haven't had the best childhood & don't live the best life, but no one's perfect. I don't talk to my real father, he left me when I was little & left my mother & I in pain, absolutely devistating. I can't stand my mother & her poor desicions most of the time & have been trying for the past year to leave, but haven't been successful. I have a baby brother, 18 months, & a 10 year old sister. If you ask me what love is, I will say it's just a word until one gives it a meaning... You can't buy love, love is when you know you would go to the end of the planet for one & when you know you can't imagine a life without the other. People tell me I am too young to know what love is, but I don't believe that is true. I understand when one says it hurts & is confusing, but love doesn't have an age limit. I used to be very self-consious & know how many people feel, I may only be 14 but I've gone thru so much & have been forced into being much more mature & responsible then most people my age. I am not perfect, no one is. I have my haters like everyone else but they can only make me stronger. I choose to ignore what others say about me, all that matters is what me, my friends, family, & those I love think about me. My friends & I may sometimes fight & I'm hurt a lot & need the help of the people I love. I am a hard person to get to know, but don't try to be a part of my life if you don't plan on staying, I may not make it thru the next time. I am usually the one to give my friends advice & help them when they are down & am best at trying to keep things positive, even though deep inside I may wanna cry & have my own obsticles I am facing. Thank you if You've read all of this, I Love You <3 :)
Why Hello Beautiful:D
Don't ask why

But I Love You:)


Comments by DakotaDreamz13

DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to xoxiloveyouxoxx
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Not a problem:) It's just gone too far & no one has really said anything effective yet without upsetting "directioners".. I Like them & all, but this is a little TOO much(: Loved the quote tho:D
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to bestforlast5
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Don't ask why,
But I Love you..
Just sayin' :DD :)
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to IvyRoxx
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Darlin', You ARE Beautiful & you should never feel otherwise:)
You definetly have to be confident and make sure others know that you don't care what they think! :)
There is no reason to be insecure about ANYTHING:D
You are Perfect just the way you are & should never change, don't let anyone change you to someone you're not:)
Just sayin' :DD :*
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to unicornn
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No problem beautiful :)
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to madelyndupont12
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Kota gets first comment >:3 hehe, welcome to witty beautiful<3 :) ur rly pretty btw & we had an amazing frosting war the other day<3 :D love chu broski:D
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to Matea2707
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Thanks for the comment<3 :)
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to Crazychick1999
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Hehe, thanks for the comment! :3 I love ur profileee:D <3
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to loohoo2588
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Hey sistaaa<3 :) Welcome to witty<3 .... Kota wins first comment!! Epic scoreee :3 Hehehe... I'll help chu get started(; <3
DakotaDreamz13 1 decade ago to xxanewbeginingxx
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Off the wall(;