
Joined: August 2, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 84895
Hey, i'm Danie. 
I'm a freshman in high school and i love my friends! My boyfriend is my world and i don't give a crap about being popular or "fitting" in. I'm my OWN person! I'm silly and really random! i'm caring and compasionate.  If you ever need advice just hit me up. i'm here to listen and to help. I absolutely love to DANCE.  I'm a leader and i like to make my own choices.  i'm learning from my mistakes and living it up for the future!
Love who you are and STAND OUT from the crowd
live your life to its fullest

Quotes by Danielynn23

& people look at me weird
just because i smile stupidly
when i don't know what to


Don't you hate it when someone uses all your soap
and you're stuck using your brother's
Axe body wash?

I love the smell but seriously... do i wanna smell like a dude?
i don't think so

where is my cell phone?

*looks all around for it.*

then looks down
in my hand the whole time

and yes i actually did do this!


I love my
sweet, sometimes perverted,
funny, adorable, lovable,
not so perfect,
handsome, cute,



 I want you to know that no matter what happens
we'll be best friends forever!
you can count on me to have your back.
you can F your life and know i'll be right by to fix it.
that's what besties are for right?
i'll be your shoulder to cry on
i'll help you through thick and thin
i'm by your side every step of the way
I love you babe!




What ever happened to
Baby Bottle Pops?

you can
lick it,

shake it,

dunk it
Sweet Candy Fun!


LIVE your life
LAUGH it off
LOVE who you are

who care what people think of you... you are your own person! you have the right to be different!


& when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance
   i hope you DANCE


Me: hey Mr. B! Can i sharpen my pencil?

Mr. B: no you may not, now get to work

(5minutes later)

Mr. B: Miss... why aren't you doing your work?

Me: well you see teach... my pencil broke and i can't really do the assignment without it and since you won't let me sharpen it, i guess i'll just sit here and do nothing  k?

Mr. B: errrrrr! JUST GO SHARPEN IT!

Me: Alrighty then...


&& as i started to cry...
he kissed me and leaned over saying,
"you don't have to tell me what's bothering you,
but i just wanted to tell you i love you
and to let you know i'm here for you and
i will be forever&always"

i love you babe