
Joined: March 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 281579
Hey, I'm Derek. I'm 14 and from PA. Music's really important to me. I love alternative stuff (Everything from Acoustic to Screamo). I write a lot, usually just random short stories about anything. I'm kind of a nerd, I like stuff like astronomy and Science-Fiction. I absolutely love computers and can program/code pretty well (Coding in VisualBasic, Javascript, Python, and of course, C++) <If you got that then you're awesome. I love giving advice and being helpful. I play Bass Guitar (Fender Jag :D) and sing. I'm trying (and failing) to start a band. Also, I love comic books and manga. I guess that's really all I can think of.

Music: Death Cab For Cutie(obviously), Paramore, Hey Monday, Marylin Manson, Jack's Mannequin, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Hawthorne Heights, Dashboard Confessional, Of Monsters and Men, Mayday Parade, Coldplay, We the Kings, The Airbourne Toxic Event, Senses Fail, All Time Low, Taking Back Sunday, and Chameleon Circut(don't judge my nerdiness)
TV: Doctor Who 
Movies: Wristcutters: A Love Story, My Life Without Me, Wargames, (500) Days of Summer, Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Comic Books/Manga: Deatth Note, Scott Pilgrim, Done to Death, Bakuman, and Hetalia
Web Browser(s): Midori, Firefox+TOR
Youtubers: Alex Day(Nerimon), Tom Milsom(Hexachordal), Charlie McDonnell(Charlieissocoollike), Michael Bukley(Whatthebuck), and Smosh.

If you ever need any advice, help, or just someone to talk to, you can send an email to

Quotes by DeathCabDerek

Winter: Dear god it's cold. Better turn up the heat to 90 degrees.
Summer: Dear god it's hot. Better make sure it's 70 degrees. 

If anyone ever needs help, feel free to send an email to

Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again
And don't you dare say we can just be friends.
I'm not some boy that you can sway.
We knew it'd happen eventually. 

Oh. Yeah, sure, you don't have to notice me. It's fine really. I don't like me either. Oh, you're gonna ask her out? That's great, I'm really happy for you. I want you to be happy. I'm just gonna go lay down and cry for a little. No don't worry:
I'm fine

I love it when people's faces look like emoticons. It makes my day.


He taught himself how not to lose
By never really trying to win
That's how the man in front of you became
The boy who never

And after another day that I know he'll never be with me, I can curl up with my laptop and be comforted by tumblr.

Sweetie, he's not worth the tears. Their words aren't worth the cuts. Her skin deep beauty isn't worth you not seeing yours go all the way through. Please don't hurt yourself. Don't starve yourself because you think you're fat. You're still beautiful. Don't cut yourself because they don't like you. They don't even know you. You're still beautiful. Don't think that you're any less than that. I don't want you to ever feel that way. When you're feeling down, when you think there's nothing left, just remember this: I love you. It doesn't matter that we've never met, doesn't matter that I don't know your story. Because I do know that you are wonderful, and at a time like this you need someone to tell you. I'll be here if you ever need anyone to talk to. If you want, you can leave a comment on my page telling me what's wrong. If you don't want everyone seeing it then you can send an email to and I promise you it will be confidential. Stay strong, love Derek.

*Out with friend*
Her: "All the cute boys are taken!"
Me: "He looks single."
Me and her: *silently fighting over who gets him*
*Cute girl walks by*
Me: "Never mind, I'm just gonna go talk to her."
Friend: "I thought you were gay!"
Me: "Why do I have to like someone based on wether they have a Y chromosome or an X?!"
Friend: "But...huh?"
Me: "AH!!! Cute boy's leaving!"
 *Friend stands there confused while I get his number*

Dear Ubuntu, I'd appreciate it if you stopped updating evey single time I go on Witty.
XOXO, gossip Derek.