
Joined: January 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 259990
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Quotes by Defcon1

I guess you can consider this your very first quote and hack ;D Well I was just thinking about you since I have to do research for my artist for art, Samuel Lewis Francis is the man's name! Go figure I would end up getting a guy with the name Samuel... hehe(: All I'm doing is on witty *of course*, listening to music *of course*, and and and drinking my favorite drink in the whole world, raspberry Arizona Tea :3 yummy in the tummy! I can't stop thinking about you... your like a drug, my drug(: That I wanna be with for the rest of my life for sure(: I'm all girly when I'm around you! I giggle alot, bite my lip constantly, and talk in a seriously girly voice ;3 Especially when you tickle me, which you always do! Pay back is coming dood ^-^ just you wait! Well it is exactly the 24th of January, 2012 @ exactly 6:12 p.m and only about three hours until we can talk :D can't wait, but the whole reason of me writing this soon to be long quote is because I wanted to tell you exactly why I love you, and express how much I love you... I haven't told you often and I'm sorry about that so this is to make up for it(: So you will always remember it! Well here we go... From the very moment I saw you standing there in the cafeteria of Guinn; Standing there nervously in your light blue skinny jeans, white polo shirt, and grey vans as your bright red lips mumbled your speech you were planning on saying. I knew you were the guy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. The guy I knew would be the most amazing boyfriend and future husband to me. The guy who actually listens, yet also gives his opinion. The guy who would always be there for me; Even if he couldn't be there pyshically, he would be there emotionally. My guy. Ever since that moment I've been in love. True love, not just young love, but TRUE love. Every time I see you it brings me back to that day in the cafeteria. Every time we kiss it's like the first time in the courtyard. Every time we talk I can't help to smile. Every time I see you I know we're met to be. Baby I love you so much(: I could never explain to you how much I do. Every day it grows more and more(: I don't ever know what I would do without you. You have been here for me through so much and I just can't thank you enough. I wish I could always be there for you pyshically, it's hard not being able to see you alot, but every time we do see each other it's like the very first day! You are the sweetest, cutest, handsomest *new word!*, loving, caring, funny, smart, sexy, hot, adorable, and charming guy in the whole world(: I truely do want to be with you forever, hopefully you want the same thing(: I absolutely love how you always tickle me to just hear me laugh and when I pull away you grab me by the waist and kiss me :D I just looooooveee that so much! Or when we are sitting next to each other you would have your arm around my waist and cuddle with me(: OR OR OR when you stand behind me and have your arms around my waist while leaning your head on my shoulder(: AND when you have to bend down to give me a kiss :D how our heights compare to each other are soo cute, I'm soo short and your soo tall ;( but hey, short girls are more fun(; I love you soooo much baby always and forever!

P.S You been hacked ;D