
Joined: November 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 340371
Gender: F

DelicateSituation's Favorite Quotes

I think we've met before.
In a dream or perhaps a nightmare,
we have sang a thousand songs.
Our hearts, the open flames.
Our minds, the frigid barricades.

There's a darkness in your soul,
and a place that made you fear.
And in your eyes I see a vacancy,
a mere reflection of myself.

We drown in our sea of thoughts,
and slump into the bore we call existing.
We are not so different you and I.
Let's not disappear again.


So broken heartstrings bled the blues
as we tried to empty ourselves so we would feel nothing;
don't tell me that hurts less than a broken bone.

She emptied herself,

she drained herself clean,

of the happiness and the pain

so she'd feel nothing but cold.

She drowned in her ocean,

and stared deep into the sea.

She was going under.

And the ocean would never be done with her.


Me: I'd like a Coke.
Waiter: is Pepsi okay?
Me: yeah, she's fine. the surgery went well and she's looking at a full recovery.
Waiter: fantastic. I can't wait to see you two drop by here again. she's a nice gal even though she's got an odd name. I'll bring your Coke around in just a moment.
I think the reason I was sad was because I felt like I had no one. Like I was all alone.
When I was annoyed with my friends, I wouldn't tell my family. And when I was annoyed with my family, I wouldn't tell my friends. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone, or talk to anyone, because they'd all eventually say the same thing. They'd all eventually hurt me more than I was hurting myself.
They'd all end up saying the same things. "Get over it." "Drama queen." "You have such a good life, how are you sad?"
And the thing that sucks is, I still feel that same way.
I just try to trick myself. Tell myself that I'm worth it, and that I'm really happy.
But I still can't help but feel so alone.

There’s always been something that’s bothered me.

My family has always called me a drama queen, for everything I do.

Like when my brother punched me in the face, I cried. And they make fun of me for crying.

Is a punch not supposed to hurt? Is it supposed to be something I laugh at? Because it’s not.

I guess the reason why I don’t tell them that I was so depressed is because I know that it will have the same reaction. Drama queen. Cry baby. 

But people don’t get how bad it hurt/hurts. I can’t stop thinking, I cry all the time, my whole heart feels shattered, I feel pain all the time, and all I really want to do is curl up in my bed and cry, or sit on a train track and wait for a train to come. 

It’s more severe than “I’m not confident” “People are mean”

It’s the fact that I can’t find enough good in myself to see a reason to live. The fact that I get criticized and belittled everyday by people who are my friends and family (people that I look up to and love), being told that I’m stupid or not good enough. It’s the fact that I can’t see anything else in life other than getting hurt, feeling pain, and never being good enough.

But I guess that’s the problem. No one really understands.

If you repeat a lie often enough,
it becomes the truth politics.
there’s no “we” in food get the f.uck away from me

Dear Blizzard Nemo ,

Just keep snowing .Just keep snowing.


     If you read this you're my Valentine. No take backs.