
Joined: January 2, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 143732

Summer2012<3 c;
I'm Marissa i'm not like most girls. I'm very energetic like the battery bunny xD Maybe more. I love Puppy's, kittys,unicorns,dinosaurs,rainbows,Cupcakes,ect. <3 
My best friend lives down the street from me look her up and follow her she's freakingg ahh-mazingg Savannahh.
I lovee to PARTYY! ;D Haha xD Lots of funn(:
I'll be honest i'm not the most well behaved girl on earth but I don't give a crap. Haha I love takingg pictures I don't know why. Wanna be friends? Just tell me comment whatever. Wanna know more about me just ask :D
What time is it?
Dubstep is the shiz nit^.^
I'm a dumb blonde at times,but thats just me :P
I wanna talkingg dog.
Hello my name is Russel and I am wilderness explorer in tri 54 wetlodge 12.Are you in need of any assistence today sir?
He likes me (:
Russel:Can we keep him?
Mr fredricksen:No!
Bitchs get stitches ;D
You be trippingg hoe xD
I'm out douces (:
i'll add more later
You wanna be on the list just tell me and i'll add you ;D byee

(c) SimpleLayouts

Quotes by DinosEatCupcakes

I'm not making this out to be pretty i'm making it to vent. 
So I had a best friend of five years did everything for her. Got it trouble for her ideas multiple times. Got grounded because of her. She then decides after my boyfriend whom I thought I was in love with & Itold her I loved him. She decides she's gonna go flirt. I cried for hours over this. So my best friend screwed me over for some kid she's met once in her life. I liked this kid for over a year &  half before we dated. He broke up with me cause I hung out with to many guys. Now they are dating & it kills me on the inside. I cry. I have boyfriend now, I love him. But this kid I was IN love with. I'm trying to forgett him. I just need advice or some to talk to. I just don't know what to do. I still cry to this day. I've been trying to get over it but I need help. & the worst part is I have to see her everyday at school. Help me get over him,please. 
Other girls:OMG he called me pretty c:
Me:My mom calls me pretty. 
Mom: Do do anything I wouldn't do at homecoming.
Me: Pshh Mom please thats what prom is for.. ;D
Mom: *Gasp* 
Me: Oh, yeah I went there (:
Pip,Pip,Doddly Do<3
Format by Sandrasaurus


Me and Savannahh were in Meijors riding little cars around the store. Best Day of my life ;D

Pshh were not immature.

Format by Sandrasaurus

Everytime I see a preview for a movie with
a really hot guy in it I wonder if he has a shirtless scene ;D


And who else loves the annoying orange♥
Don't play games
With a girl who
can play better.
p e a c e
ew PDA
   i am me
plain && simple

Je T'aime
(i like your♥..) awkward :]:]:]:]:]
 So me and my friend were throwing dodgeballs at each other I threw one at her and she fell on her face so I yelled "GET SOME!"