
Joined: June 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 306095
My Name is Drew:
I'm a male.
I'm 14.
I love Zombies. I would marry one.
But It would eat my face.
And my face is too cute.
Black hair|Green eyes|Tall|sweet|Annoying|
More about me\\\\
I live in New York\\
My hair is orgasmic\\
I used to be Bullied\\
I went to go live with ^my Mom because of it\\
I'm a happy person now\\\
Mommy treats me the best\\\\\\
Thanks for reading\\\\\

http://i41.tinypic.com/16j3kfr.jpg  <<<< Little Me! :3

Quotes by DrewZombie

Roses are red.
Violets are red.
Tulips are red.
Daffodils are red.
Lilies are red .
Irises are red.
Lilacs are red.
Marigolds are red.
Poppies are red.
Petunias are red.
Daises are red.
Holy Shhhhiit My gardens on

I laugh when guys try to kiss up to their girlfriends after they make them mad.
Psh. All I do is buy them Taco Bell and they forgive me for life xD.


Hey Guess what.
You tore me apart.
You're the biggest fake I ever saw.
You're a w h o r e
You're nohing to me now.
And guess what else.

I actually Loved you.
If your going to Insult me,
Make sure your actually worth my time.
Hey, I just kissed you.
And this is crazy.
You taste like candy.
Makeout baby?

Cute Right? Pshhh(:

I just got a paper cut. ):
Wanna come kiss it?(:

I have an obsession of Zombies and Eyeballs. Bit creative right? Ha. Nah. (;