
Joined: May 2, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 75147

Hey, the name is Christina, but call me Teeny. I'm in love at the moment but can't post any quotes, (and i have no idea why not). I'm 14 this year and wanting to get away from life atm. I'm still very p i s s e d that I can't post quotes.! And i'm getting depressed that I can't, *stupid computer*. I am normally really loud shy, but once I get to know you I be myself. I can be hurt so easily but thats just because i'm a girl. Oh and did I mention i'm in lovee...? Not with just any guy.. an absolutely amazingg guy. Too bad we live too far away, and he just wants to be friends. I live in a really small towand it has just started to suck. I thought it would be great living in a small town but all the girls here are backstabbers, and all the guys think they are Mr. Cool. I now want to move to the next town over, (which is a little bigger), and be with the one I love, but doesn't love me. But at least I would get to see him all the time (: Well I have a few best friends but I have one in particular.She has been there with me through absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G and I have no idea what I would do without herr. She listens to all the stuff I have to say even though most of it is about that one guy. And she is always the person I go to when I need advice on something. She is my little banana and I love her. Well i'm just new to this site and i've found it so awesome. I love it. Most of the quotes suit me perfectly, (which is sad in a way), but it makes me feel good when I find that perfect quote that I can brag about to my friends the next day. So i'm a bebo fanatic, I absolutely l o v e it. And if you don't have a bebo profile, I suggest you get one ;) Most people probably won't read this so to all you guys who took the time to actually read this, Thank you.! <33

 Well i'll write more later but right now, if you want to get to know me more. Talk to me! <33

Can someone please explain how to add a quote? I've tried so many times, but when i press the preview button it does nothing.. Thankyouu.x

Comments by Dum_Love

Dum_Love 1 decade ago to randomxxcardss42xo
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Yepp, I get you :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to jessishere32418
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Hmmmm, I'll try that :) Thanks.
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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Yeah I wish it worked too. But doesn't matter :) hehe, I'll keep trying anyway. Because I'm blonde like that, I keep trying even though I know it won't work =/
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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I tried your idea.. But it didn't work! Ughh, not happy. Haha. Oh well. I'll just come on here to read quotes. Not post my own.. Thanks anway though :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to heyyitskyla3
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Hahaha, no problemm :) I love your quotes, they are amazingg!
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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Thank you! I'll try that soon :) Fingers crossed it works hehe.
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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Well I don't know! I've tried over and over again but I can't :( and I'm so annoyed haha. I type up my quote and then mess around with the colours and everything.. And then I tick the box saying I've followed the rules. But as soon as I hit the preview button it does nothing. It just stays there. Ughh. Do you have any ideas?
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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Hahaha, again its ok. I love your quotes :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to ilovemusicx33
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No problem :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to xoxoiloveyou
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So true. Screw the people who thought you jocked their quotes. They can go jump in a hole hehe. Oh and no worries, I love quotes :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to xoxoiloveyou
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Hahah, its ok :) I'm just sick of people who always say "oh you jocked that. Your such a jocker" If you don't want so eal your quotes, don't put them on the website! Hehe. :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to jessishere32418
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No I don't have mozilla. I use internet explorer.. So I have no idea whats wrong.. Ughh, stupid computerr. haha. Thanks anyway (:
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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So true, everyone always says he is so good looking and hot and beautiful. well yeah he is, but he is so amazing personality way too. He is perfect both ways (:
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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ugh that word that has the stars is meant to be h e l l lol.
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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Hell yes.! I love jacob, especally in the 2nd book (: ecxept when he ignores bella.. but that was trying to protect her from what he is. but i can never choose between Edward and Jacob (: they are both totally gorgeous haha.
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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Yeahh, i missed it too.! despressing haha. it was a really ood trailor and you should have seen the wolf.. and Jacob with no shirt on ;) haha. but yes, probably a good idea to save it for the movie :) more of a suprise..
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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haha, i'm with you all the way.! The books were so good, i read them all twice (: and some three times.. i'm dying here waiting for new moon to come out! it looks much better than the fist one to be honest lol. i saw the trailor. if you haven't seen it. watch it (you will die lol).
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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hmmm, i like emmett. but not as much as edward and jasper loll. what did you like better? the movie or the books?
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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hahah yershh he is quiet but i love the way jessica describes him in the movie "that ones jasper, the one that always looks like he is in pain" hahaha (: and the books were so much better then the movie. the books had so much more detail! but the movie was still good.. i can't complain :)
Dum_Love 1 decade ago to TwilightAddicts
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Haha, goshh. i'm in love with twilight as well. And emmett is so funny! i love him.. but i can't decide between all the guy cullens ;) Oh and i love twilight because ever since i've read it i can pick out all the guys that are tools from the guys that might actually be nice. And i love Edward :) hehe. i can't waitt for New moon!! Rhe book twice and seen the trailor. it's gonna be good :)