asexual axolotl*

Status: there is no time to read manga anymore
Joined: October 15, 2013
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: June 14
user id: 373299
Location: bedroom, crying over homework
To describe me in a few Words - Tumblr, procrastination, existential crisis

I don't know, I guess I like poetry and such and I figure you'll appreciate it living here

Thank you for taking the time to view my profile
Hope you enjoy your visit


Quotes by asexual axolotl*

Formed first in a small flutter,
soon leaving the mind in a rosy-coloured clutter,
people regard this as love.
A light-minded feeling,
of cupids dealing,
one might call love.
A match made half-way from Mars and Venus,
nothing can come between us,
a magic working called love.
A binding of hearts,
either later or from the start,
something known as love.
Short and sweet,
or meant until the last heartbeat,
it will make two into one,
Lets go fly, dash across that rainbow bridge,
To the other end of the light blue sky ~
Make a wish. Go for it.
Those glass slippers and stage are waiting for you!
Lets go fly, with those light-blue wings,
Show me even you can cross the vague blackness.
How are you to judge me 

By the width of my waist

Youre a f♥cking duchebag

Please get out of my face
Dont you dare say
that an Utau
is a Bootleg Vocaloid.
Contracted by the demons
in my head, I must obey
when my blood curdles, running cold
like the steel of my blade.
If loving you means the
end of another,
Let It Be.
Forget Today
Remember Yesterday
Await Tomorrow
I'm Weird.
You're Unique.
I'm timid.
You're Confident.
I'm Ugly.
You're Beautiful.
I'm Stupid.
You're Intellectual.
No One Likes Me.
I Do.
I Have a Dull Life.
Your Life is Amazing.
I Shouldn't Exist.
You're the Reason Why I Exist.
If I died, No One Would Notice.
I Would.
I'm not saying anything

But listen to my opinion.
I don't need
a Boyfriend.

I have a 
Pillow to Commit to ~
15 Years It Took,
For Someone,
Other Than Myself,
To Present Me
With A Gift,
On Valentine's Day.

And I've Found,
After All These Years
Of Waiting,
And Envying All Others
Who Recieved,
That It Was,


Worth The Wait.