
Joined: December 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 343604
Gender: F

EdenForeverxx's Favorite Quotes

Come on skinny love what happened here
Suckle on my hope in lite brassiere

Gay marriage is now legal in the state of Illinois. I have never been more proud of this hell hole.
                                                We all have scars. We all have stories.


We all carry these things inside that no one else can see.

They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out to sea.

Shaking, and not because I'm cold.
So at this very moment I'm watching two 6th graders fight with each other on a status about wether or not the girl sent him nudes of herself. 6th graders.
I am so disgusted in our society.
Today one of my best friends fainted in our second block. I was walking her down to the nursess office because she wasn't feeling so great when half way down the hall she fainted due to starvation. She is constantly picked on for her weight and how she  looks. The nurse was called down and she was sent home, and I went back to class. My mood was ruined the rest of the day. By the time lunch came around,  everyone has heard about it. They knew what caused it. They knew everything. How this is so, I don't know.  But you know what really upset me? They laughed about it. They still made fun of her. I heard things such as "Ew. Who cares.", "Good, I hope she dies.", "She should continue starving herself, she's fat." And many other disgusting things. I'm home now. I've called, texted, messaged,- no reply. I'm so worried, and I find it disgusting that no one even had the decenty to keep their mouths shut for an afternoon. This is sick.

Hey, hey guys; I have 69 followers.


Sometimes I like to pretend that everything's alright because
sometimes when everyone else thinks you're fine, you forget for a while that you're not.