
Joined: September 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216666
Why hello there ♥ My name is freya ♥ I love music, playing the violin, photographing, gymnastics, animals, rainbows, roses, and more than anything, sunsets. ♥ As you have seen, I use ♥'s an awful lot. I love my friends and family, and my kitten means the world to me.  ♥ I think pandas are completely cute. If i could be an animal for a day, I would be a dragon. Im that epic ♥ Follow for a follow? Love you guys, peace ♥
  Don't click here! Your choice...ly!! !!!

Quotes by EveryRoseHasItsThorns

Boy: I have been waiting for this day.
Girl: Do u want me to leave??
Boy: NO!!!!
Girl: Do u love me?
Boy: Of Course
Girl: Will u ever cheat on me??
Boy: Never in my life
Girl: Will u ever kiss me?
Boy: Every chance i get
Girl: Will u hit me??
Boy: Are u crazzy..!
Girl: Can i trust u??
Boy: Yes..!!
Girl: Sweet Heart..!
-After Marriage-

Now read backwards  :)
Now read backwards  :) 

Real eyes,

                                     Real lies.                                                                          

Take a bow.
hear the applause?
my heart is broken
and you're the cause
--> i played your game <--
and look you've won.

c  o  n  g  r  a  t  u  l  a t  i  o  n  s
i. hope. you. had. fun.


Lifting your tongue up...
When you brush you teeth
&& If love had a face;

I'd punch it  :)

Type your name: Freya
Type your name with your elbow:fr5e4ya
Type your name with your eyes closed:freya
Type your name with your nose:freya

Bash your head into the keyboard:  r45
Now repost!  LollloLololollol


So this quote isn't going to be about love, or boys, or quotes, or venting. You know what it's going to be about?

Because, you know, mustaches are very interesting. To some people, they are just a hairy design under someone's nose. To heck with them people, I think mustaches are cool. They're epic. If you hate mustaches, then go suck mustache.
Mr mustache man is waiting. I love mustaches  

Squidward! The sky had a baby!


I'm Not A NERD, I'm Just Smarter Than You


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