
Joined: November 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 94830
I haaate sapppy love quotes that people write to explain their 'life'
 Get over it, Suck it up, & Move on. Thaanks,
-&Lurrk my quotes if you want? lmao.
Theyre prbly realllly laaame.
Buut, Whaaaatever.

dont even know why I made one of these little witty things?
Its just somethin to do when I get bored.
Wellll,  Bye.

Quotes by Faaay1234

"You don't know what you have until it's gone."
But sometimes; when it comes back,
You still don't know what you have.

Most people don't know who they are, that's why they lie.
They're scared someone will figure it out before they do.

Let go, & Let life
SUPRISE you.  

I'm going to live like I can fly.  I'm going to laugh until I cry.
I'm going to live like I've got money falling from the sky.
I'm going to live with no regret. I'm going to give all that I get.
I'm going to live as if the best is going to happen.

Expect the worst
Hope for the

Moneys under nothing,
My life is such a blur.
Life is a gamble when Im all about my poker chips
used to be love drunk
But now Im hungover