
Joined: January 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 148438

Hi. Um, my main witty is PaperLung. If you're wondering why I have so many... It's simple, when I first joined witty, I couldn't stay on a single account because my friends kept finding them. This was one of my 'secret' wittys. Until it got busted. I came back on this account because the username means a lot to me. (Obviously.) I honestly don't know what else to write in this box. So bye.

Note: All coding belongs to PaperLung/Flyleaf. Ok? Thanks.

Quotes by Flyleaf

                     Holding on to your grudge.
"Hope you come down with something they can't diagnose, don't have the cure for."

I hope this song starts a craze.
The kind of song that ignites the airwaves.
The kind of song that makes people,
glad  to  be  where  they  are.  With  whoever  they  are  there  with.


Sometimes I hear you calling,
from some lost and distant shore.
I hear you crying softly,
before the way it was before.



I fear that someday you might leave me because you realize you can do better. I fear that something is going to stand in our way and we will slowly drift apart. I fear that you won't call me or will get tired of who I am. I fear that you might realize how you've compromised for me. I fear that some one is going to steal you away. I fear that something inside of you is going to get annoyed with all the little things you used to love. I fear that one day something is going to happen and God will take you away from me. But most of all I am afraid that I may do something to make you cry, and if that happens I'll die.

not mine.


Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Are you alone?
Are you afraid?
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go?
I had to stay.
Now I'm reaching for you.
Will you wait?
Will you wait?
Will I see you again?


Don't look at the past again, the first
and last has made everything new.
And you are too so lift your head
and let your story be told.
Life on earth will end for all conceived
 and prove to be only a breath,
a mist, a womb for what's to come.
How soon forever arrives.


You took it with you when you left.
These scars are just a trace.
Now it wonders, lost and wounded.
This heart that I misplaced.