
Joined: October 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 226202

Quotes by FontFormats


I made a popular format. Thanks witty for using this one♥ The ones you see are usally blue instead of pink and this writing is changed, but thank you so much ♥ I love you all. 

good it feels to look at top quotes and see one of my foramts, honestly it's amazing ♥ Check out my formats & follow me! BTW, if you use one of my formats you don't have to put "NMF" or anything, just don't take it as your own work. 
Feel Free To Use this format
no credit needed, but please don't 
take it as your own work. Follow
me and request formats! 
Feel Free To Use this format
no credit needed, but please don't 
take it as your own work. Follow
me and request formats! 
Feel Free To Use This Format
no credit needed and you don't need to put nmf, but please don't take as your own work. 
Feel Free to use this format.
No credit needed and you don't have to put nmf  
Feel Free To Use This Format.
no credit needed, and you don't need to put nmf.
Feel Free To Use This Format.
no credit needed, and you don't need to put nmf.
Feel free to use this format!
Request a format....
write on this quote. btw, this format is made by me. No credit needed.