
Joined: January 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 257997
Niger ; People Call Me Ger 
Age; 16
Status; single 
Number ; Gtfo


IMVU Homepage Layouts
IMVU Layouts
Taco Bell IMVU Layouts
I get my brand imvu layouts from

Quotes by Gerwashington

I Bet You  20$ Im broke

Looking for a broken hearted girl 

So i can be the one to find all the little pieces 
Lil Wayne = 5% Black 95% Tattoos.

When people yawn, do deaf people think they're screaming?

Look For The Right Girl
I Will hold you and never let you go i will never leave you
ill be there when you need me


FMS If Youu Singleeeeeeeee

idgafSOstfu you Fineeee :))))))