
Joined: September 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 125748

Quotes by GinnyLina

i want to punch a few people out right now.

today my sister bit my glasses.

My teacher yelled at me for paying attention to him while he was teaching.

Middle School Years
sixth grade they baby you
seventh grade they don't care about you
eighth grade  they just cant wait for you to leave

*cough cough* JERK *cough cough*

Dear Percy,
You had to tell a joke and distract me at that moment? Really?
Sincerely, your now dead brother Fred Weasley

i hate when your 'friends' turn into jerks

getting cookie cake for my birthday= extreme happiness
most people look and see if there is a serial killer in there shower. i look to make sure voldemort isn't there.
watching robert pattinson die in harry potter ALWAYS makes my day =)