
Joined: October 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 129755

Quotes by Gorgeouss

       Sticks and Stones may break my bones,
 But words.. Fxck That! Bxtch what the fxck did you just say?
          You see right through me.
     How do you do that ish? ;)

          Yesterday I was on the phone w/my boyfriend..
               And I asked him if he wanted to hang out.
              He said he couldn't because he was going
                to his little cousins house for Halloween.
                      So I made plans with my friend.
                        We decided to go to the mall.
                We were in a store, then I looked over.
   There my boyfriend was, hugging and kissing another girl.
     But not just any girl, someone I called my best friend.
      At that moment, my heart shattered in a million pieces.


        You are the cure,
  'Cause I been diagnosed with love.