
Joined: December 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246203
I also love Brianna Leigh (;
follow her ! 

About this girl Scrollbox.
Hey Witty People(:  I'm Hayley Nicole Peltier . I'm 14 years young, my birthday is March 29. So don't forget to wish me a happy one (; . I love to dance, & i love to be on witty:D. I'm mostly with my bestfriend ever Carly Irene Keefe<3 she's the only one i trust with my life & i can tell her anything<33 . We're with eachother pretty much everyday , and although we fight sometimes we're always here for eachother :D.  shes beautiful ,shes always a person i could talk to no matter what , me & carly went through alot of shit , we weren't friends for one whole year because of some bitches. But no matter what, I love her<3

Btw, you can change the title of the box to anything you want.

Quotes by HayleyNicole

- Dear girls ,
Choose the guy that takes you ,
To meet his parents.not his room (:
- You want me to act like we never kissed,
You want to forget,pretend we never met,
And i tried & i tried,but i  haven't yet ,
You walk by me & i fall to pieces

Girls ,

We All Wasted Our 11;11 Wishes On Boys,

Dont Waste Another Wish For Your New Years Revolution

- Take nothing but photos
Leave nothing but footprints,
and kill nothing but time <3
-Never Cry For The Person Who Hurt  You...
Just Smile  & Say ,
''Thanks For Giving Me A Chance
To Find Someone Better Than You'' (:
-Live For Today,
Because Yesterday Is Over,
& Tomorrow May Never Come
- Keep Your  Standards High
But Keep Your Heels Higher  (:
- Fav This If You Wish Cancer N.E.V.E.R  Existed