
Joined: November 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 337253
Location: Narnia
Gender: F - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters

I have an other account on this but that one is full of terrible quotes and I want to use this account for only one type of quote thingy and thats just a series called 'Healthy Levels of Insanity' and its just crazy stuff that I come up with or taken from other people. 

I'd probably never do most of the things in real life but I guess they are fun to imagine doing :)

Quotes by HealthyxLevelsxOfxInsanity

Healthy Levels of Insanity #8

Hide inside a clothing isle in Walmart or something, and when somebody walks by, shout 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
Healthy Levels of Insanity #7

When leaving the zoo, run for the exit screaming "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THE ANIMALS ARE RUNNING LOOSE!"
Healthy Levels of Insanity #6

When in a crowded elevator, announce in a very serious tone 'I guess you are all wondering why I have gathered you all here today.'
Healthy Levels of Insanity #5

Buy a parrot and teach it how to say 'Help! I've been turned into a parrot!'
Healthy Levels of Insanity #4

Go to the convenience store and ask the cashier what year it is, then when they tell you, run out of the shop screaming "IT WORKED! IT WORKED!"
Healthy Levels of Insanity #3

When you see someone jogging, drive up beside them and blast 'Eye of The Tiger.'
Healthy Levels of Insanity #2

Fill a prescription bottle with tic-tacs and eat a bunch of them in public.
Healthy Levels of Insanity #1

Go to the pet store and buy bird seeds. When you get to the counter ask 'How long do they take to grow?'