
Joined: June 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 309716
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Hi there, I'm Hannah. Obviously? First off I'm a klutz with the worst of luck. I have brown hair and hazel/mainly brown eyes. I for sure don't live to please anyone, but myself :) Screamo, Alternative, Rock, got it? ♥ BATMAN IS THE SHIT. c: I love talking to people, and I LOVE laughing. Which is why if you see me with my friends, we are always laughing (: I like to stand out/be different. The same old things get borning, ya know? I love late night phone conversations and you'll hear me say I love alotta things also! I got 3 best friends, and I won't list names, cough cough, Bailey, Chelsea, Katie. ♥ :P I doodle on my notebooks and pass notes all thee time :3 Hmp, I love reading and writing. Skinnyes, random shirts/bandtees, converse/vans, and braclets Is what you'll find me in. Where you'll find me? khs. freshieeee. I hate shorts and copiers. There both the worst. Even though ones clothing and ones a certain person. >.< I speak my mind, and I'll admit.. sometimes I shouldn't. But whatever right? (; If you eff with my friends, I promise you'll experience hands on WWIII. I wish everyone would just love each other.. but that will never happen. Society is stupid a fuxk. I hate it. Like with a passion. I'm very insecure, and that's not a secret. I like tattoos and piercings? :P bahah. I listen to my music too loud, and sleep in too late. But I'm 14.. that's what we do? mwaha. Hmp, I can't think of anything else you need to know. But don't be shy, ask questions? :3 well goodbye you beautiful/handson zebra. ♥ 

Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out. ♥ 

Quotes by Hunnuhasourus

life goals for the future,
-go to a black veil brides concert/meet black veil brides.
-go to a asking alexandria concert/meet asking alexandria.
-own a pair of converse in every color.
-save/change someones life.
-be happy about myself/with myself.

 lost in stereo - all time low

maybe I screwed up..


"GO AFTER HER. fxck, don't sit
there and wait for her to call, go after her beacuse
if you love someone, don't wait for
them to give you a sign because it may never come.
d o n t   l e t   p e o p l e   h a p p e n   t o   y o u,
or her, she's not a fxcking telvision show or tornado.
had they gotton on that airplane or ran down the street after me or called
me up drunk at 4 in the morning because they need to tell me right now
and because they cannot regret this. and I always thought i'd be the only
on DOING CRAZY THINGS for people
who would never give enough of a fxck to do it
back or act like idiots or be entirely
vulnerable and honest and making someone
-F A L L   I N   L O V E   W I T H    Y O U-
is easy and flying 3000 miles on three days notice
because you can't just sit there and do nothing
and BREATHE INTO TELEPHONES is not everyone's
idea of love but it is the way I can recognise it because that is what I do.
go scream it and be with her in meaningful ways
because that is beautiful and that is generous
that is raw and that is ungaurded, and
that is all that is worth anything, REALLY. "

he has always made me


I don't know about you guys. But if my best guy friend, drove to my house in the pouring rain, threw peebles at my window for me to come down and talk to him, and I walked down and he confessed he had some love for me. I would hug him and kiss him, and have no choice but to love him. If someone did something amazing for me, I would love them forever. Even though it wouldn't happen, I secretly wish it would.
Just because something isn't
 happening for you right now
doesn't mean that it never will again. 

Loving someone is like
  jumping off a building. Giving compeltly trust in them do catch you. Theres fights which is when the wind blows and pushes you into the side of the building. It hurts, yes. But your heart is beating so fast, and your so excited and scared at the same time that when the wind blows you back in the air, you don't even care because your so happy. Your so happy until the end of the ride, when it ends. It's like your scrapping against the wall and part of you just wants to hit the ground already but you also want to float in the air again and fall and experience it all over again. & when you finally do hit the bottom, and it's all over.. you feel like your dying. But we keep putting ourselfs in the spot of "falling in love" because we suffer through the pain hopping it will be different. But everything that goes up has to come down.  


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It bugs me so much when
 these little girls, complain about missing there boyfriend so much because they love them so much. 1. You've been dating for what? A week. Wow, love. 2. You don't miss him so much that it's driving you crazy, you were just with him a hour ago and will be with him tomorow. 3. Your like 12! Gosh darn, you don' t know what love is, your not a teenager yet so you don' even know teenage love. Look you don't know what it's like to miss someone as much as I miss him. To have him but not actually be able to see/talk to him. Knowing your going to have to wait 8 months without seeing or talking to him and that when he comes back, you may have waited for nothing. Being compeltly fine one minute, then breaking down the next. Listening to sad songs, because happy songs just don't feel right. Always feeling bad because he's at juvy and your tanning by the pool all day. It sucks, okay? I just want to break down and cry, but I can't because I want to look strong. It hurts more than I will ever admit to anyone. But I'll just keep smiling and acting fine when on the inside all these little teeniebopper 12 year olds complain about missing the "love of there life" sososososo much. Yeah, it's gonna be a great 8 months.

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I hope you want to stay for 
  awhile, because my heart really likes you.

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I always have this fear that one day
 you are going to discover
 that i'm not as great
 as you thought I was.♥

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