
Joined: May 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 302090

Quotes by ICanBeYourHero124



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #48

Sheldon: Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock!



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #47

Leonard: What are you doing?

Sheldon: Trying to get the hair out my eyes.

Leonard: Sheldon, You are only day late for your haircut.

Sheldon: Thank you for captioning my nightmare.

(I just realized Sheldon Cooper quotes 18 and 19 are the same 

so here is a bonus quote to make up for it!)

Sheldon: At my age do you know how I'm statistically most likely

to die?

Leonard: At the hands of your own room mate?

Sheldon: An accident.

Leonard: That's how I'm going to make it look.

Roses are red,
That part is true,
But voilets are purple,
Not f*ckin blue.



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #46

Sheldon: Do these sound like castanets to you?

Leonard: The box says 'kitchen'.

Sheldon: So? Do cocaine smugglers write

'cocaine' on the box?



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #45

Sheldon: Pay no attention to the man in the bed.



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #44

Sheldon: We're gonna have to stop at Pottery Barm on our

way to work, I bought these Star Wars sheets, but they 

turned out to be much too stimulating to be compatible 

with a good nights sleep. I don't like the way

Dath Vader stares at me.




Sheldon Cooper Quotes #43

Sheldon: Instead of titanuim centrifuge, my parents bought 

me-- Wow, this is hard. They got me a motorized dirt bike.

Penny: *sarcastically* No!

Sheldon: What 12 year old boy wants a motorized dirt bike!?

Penny: All of them!




Sheldon Cooper Quotes #42

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.

Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practise

mixing drinks.

Sheldon: Fine, I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.

Penny: That's.. rum and Coke without the rum.

Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #41


Sheldon: Good night. And if there's an apocalypse, good luck.



Sheldon Cooper Quotes #40


Sheldon: The mean Indian lady tried to make me eat lamb.