
Joined: March 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 156205

ILoveYouBabe3's Favorite Quotes

Love Is A Very Strong Feeling
And I Think Once You Love
Someone You Can't Just Stop
Loving Them. If Your Love For
Someone Ends, You Never Loved
Them In The First Place, You
Just Thought You Did.

I Tend
to hold on to things i care about,
for a long time.
it hurts when i have to let go. 


Wait  so,  

Rebecca Black went down to the bus stop, 

but she rode to school with her friends?

Don’t trust too much. Don’t love too much. Don’t hope too much, because that too much can hurt you so much.

Last night he said she was the one..
Oh, but men and mascara always

people don't need to open their eyes these days. They need to close their legs...

original quote