
Joined: March 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283149

Quotes by ImYourMrRight

My teacher was showing us how TV can influence kids and make them do inappropriate things, so he put up a video of a little girl about 10 who started pole dancing on a train to try and impress a boy.
I mean WTF did my teacher type in to find that video, "10 year old girl pole dancing?"
Imagine what his internet history must look like!
I Swear Slags are  are gatting younger and younger!
A 12 year old just poped up to me saying 'hey, i've slept with 4 boys, wanna be my 5'
12 year old girls should play with barbies or something not dick!

People who deserve nothing get handed everything  not fair

own my heart

just renting