
Joined: August 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 326922
Gender: F

Hey. Follow me, I follow back.
I love Jelena, ice-cream, popcorn, watching Friends the episodes and making quotes up. hehe.



Quotes by JelenaToes

When guys wait for the perfect girl? playboy's fault. When girls wait for the perfect guy? Disney's fault.


Format by JelenaToes

My talents:
           speed texting,procrastination and sarcasm


Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, you are nothing

but a h0e.You think you're cute, you think

you're classy. Reality check, you're really

trashy. (:

Dear Girls who take  pics in
s]utty clothing & glasses& label the caption "nerdd lol" you're not a nerd you're a wh0re  
Who found glasses.


9 out of 10 Men like girls with big boobs and the 10th guy likes the other 9




look at my quotes...I don't have that many favourites. Do I care? no. I'm on witty profile to just express my opinions and share jokes...


once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.
IF A Cow Laughed, Would Milk Come Out Her Nose? Mind=Blown 

I never make a mistake twice. maybe 5 or 6 times, just to be sure.


Back to School adverts make me depressed. I officially hate The month