
Joined: December 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 344139
Gender: F
layout by KingKongLayouts
I'm Jesdani. {Jes-Duh-Knee} New here, so um. Haaaai. ~~ Oahu-Hawaii. Bye. Xoxo.

Quotes by JesdaniMaee

I know I need to move on...- 
that's slightly 

You figured you could toy with me..

Until someone better came along. 
And I was to stupid to realize it.
It drives me {completely} Insane, 
That your don't care for me like I do for you. 


To keep reminding myself that 'we' will never exist. 'We' never did exist. 

And it totally, totally, totally sucks. -
You know what sucks about falling for a guy you know your not right for? 

You find that he wasn't the guy you thought he'd be. 

And it sucks. A lot. 
I don't know where I stand in your life. But maybe one day, where I stand, means something to you. - Me.