
Joined: October 27, 2013
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 373908
Gender: F
I am jessica
i love disney
and musicals
and netflix
and that's basically all you need to know about me

Quotes by Jess1ca123

Beauty isn't what you see in the mirror
It's what others see in your heart
I'm not crying 
My eyes are just sweating
Because I know I'll never have you
How was I to know
That that one decision 
Was going to change my life
We do choose who we love 
the thing is
it's not always a conscious choice
I've told everyone I'm over him
But then I think to myself
Am I?
I promise you are loved
i promise you are worth it
What if the hokey pokey really was what it's all about?
-inspirational quote by me