
Joined: November 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134847
Hello:) My name is Lauren and I'm 15 and blow out the candles on June 16. I'm a sophmore in highschool and I live on the east coast. I love music (country music) and I have been a wittier for a long time now (this isnt my first account) I LOVE talking so if you wanna know more just HMU!
2012 come at me, bro!
Image 21 of 32

Quotes by Just_Love


come   at   me ,  bro




That awkward moment when
You say goodbye to someone and then walk in the same direction

When you feel alone,
Look at the space between your fingers, and remeber thats where mine fit perfectly.

"Its better to be hated for what you are
Then loved for what you're not."
Marilyn Monroe♥


That awkward moment when
Your in the middle of a test and its all quiet and your stomach starts making noise


& she's scared to get close to anyone, because 
Anyone who said 'I'll be there' left. 




If you're not living on the edge

You're taking up too much space.


Giving someone the
ability to

destroy your heart, but
trusting them not to.


Dear windshield wiper,
Can't touch this.
Sincerely, that little triangle


You told me you loved me,

so why did you go?