
Joined: December 11, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 60070


Quotes by KAAAM_twilight

          maybe two is
  better than one.
i think;

i love you.
& i try to walk away but i keep telling myself
h e ' s  t h e  o n e  f o r  m e - cause his
love's so
contagious, it keeps pulling me in
we were meant to be and i can't leave him..
we're right back in the water   
If you only knew that I
never wanted to let you go,
things would be different.
Let go when you're hurting too much, give up
when love's not enough, and move on. When
things aren't like before, for sure there is someone
out there who will love you even more.
theres always gonna be that one person.
that no matter what they do,
what they say or how many times they
hurt you, you can't let them go <3
life may not be the party we hoped for
but while we're here we should dance.

 dance like nobody is watching you  ©
i've got my pride;      
and she's got you.
it's officially over,           
      because i cried.