
Joined: February 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 275592
Hey there beautiful! My name is Katelyn Joanne. I am 12 years old, brought into this world on November 2, 1999. I am in 7th grade. My best friends are Kayna and Abby. My aunt introduced me to Witty, duncann98, you should go follow her! I have 4 crazy brother, Cody, Zack, Wyatt, and Mason. They annoy the heck out of me. My favorite singers are Justin Bieber and Cody Simpson. I'm a pretty good singer myself. I play bass clairnet in band. My favorite actress is...unknown. Favorite song is...unknown. Favorite actor is...unknown. I love peace signs. I have 1 dogs, Duke. I have like 113 chickens. My favorite color is lime green. I'm excited to go see The Hunger Games with my aunt and cousin since it's my aunts obsession. I am definitely marrying Niall when I'm older. I never ever shut up. I like these four crazy boys. They're both super cute and nice, which explains why I like em. My friends think I would make a really cute couple with one of em, but he keeps breaking up and going out with one of my friends so... Hacked Katelyn, you have just been hacked by duncann98! I just wanted to write that you are super beautiful, no matter what they say, and no matter what YOU say. You and Cody Simpson are so getting married, even though you and He Who Shall Not Be Named are a cute couple :) You are crazy talented, super good actress, amazing singer, and I haven't heard you, but probably a BEAST on the bass clairnet :) Hahaha! The next dance you have, you are coming over to my house so you can get ready and borrow one of my dresses. I wanna do your hair real pretty and your make up real simple. Everyone goes way to overboard on make up for dances. Boys are stupid. Always have been, always will be. So don't you dare let one stupid boy bring you down. Love, Aly
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