
Joined: April 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 169746

Quotes by Keenlife

us guys that are in their right mind don't go after the girls that don't put much cloths on. we see it more as "eye candy'. the girls we would rather be in a relationship with are the girls with a outgoing attitude. shes not afraid to say anything to me or anyone else. she dresses like she respects herself. i would like her to be funny and laugh at her own jokes when nobody else does and she doesn't care. she cant be a drama queen and feed off of it. i/we hate drama. and that's about it.

for ******* who requested this from me :)
this is for those girls that always think its the guys fault, yes we do make mistakes but sometimes its not because we thinks its "cool"  to break your heart ,but because we just don't know what to do so we get nervous' afraid of losing you' and in then we make rash decisions not totally thinking through it. so in that case we should let the girl know that, the girl should not respond angrily but respond in a helpful tone. just give us a chance. honestly we're clueless.