
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 191210

Quotes by KenzieRenee

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                                you're a..  Belieber..! <3

Dont you just love it when two of your "BESTFRIENDS" try to start drama with you?
                  Seriously do me a favor and Get . A . Life ! -.-

Texting + Facebook= Textbook. So.. I'm studying.

I am a nobody,
but nobody is perfect,
therefore i am perfect(:

Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away,
beatin' like a drum and it's commin' your way

Who says you cant past the test? 
Who says you cant be the best?
    Love is like Wendy's
              "You know when it's real"
                                          But if you dont 
                                                     It's a waste of time.