
Joined: August 14, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 207891
Gender: F
{ Jessica | 13 | layouts | tumblr. }
Hey. :P I am an INFJ personality type. I'm artistically inclined and enjoy drawing, reading, writing, and science. I also enjoy coding. Most people would consider me to be a geek. :P I'm part of the A:tLA and LoK fandoms.

People think my life is perfect, but it's really not that great.

about me

梦 dream.

Quotes by Kuhaiu

except that they are not stupid enough to purchase lottery tickets

      Dave Barry      
War is full of blood, anger and fear
just like a girl on her period.

not meant to offend anyone; apologies if so.
»»»» to be the mirror, or to [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
you know you had an awesome/weird dream, but you 

*when there's a shooting star*

other people: i wish that i was with him.
me: i wish i was tumblr famous.
in an alternate universe
i don't believe in humans
I have a question.
if you're the girl who's always got everyone else's backs,
if you're the one who makes sure everyone else is okay,
if you're the one who stays strong for the sake of others,

who watches over you?

A.K.A 3 super long movies about men fighting a war over some jewelry

my format, nmq

I'm noT arGuinG wITH You
I'm just explaining why I'm right.

my format/nmq
  I'm sorry for hurting your feelings