
Joined: May 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 77348

Quotes by LoVeHuRtS_21

I gave you my heart
that's all that I can give to you
and if that's not enough for you
then I'm not enough for you 

Girls just want someone to want them back...

I just can't remember the last time I was truly happy...

I told another lie today
no one saw through my games
...I know the right words to say
like "I don't feel well, I ate before I came." 

Sometimes people play hard to get
because they need to know that the
other person's feelings are real ...

You made me into a different person

one that I'm not proud of...

I'm in love with a guy
who will never love me back 

I can't be who he wants me to be

There's only so much I can take

I don't deserve you