
Joined: July 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: March 13
user id: 320025
Location: Colorado
Gender: M

Hey, I'm Mark. I'm 15 and from Colorado. Never be afraid to talk to me, I love meeting new people :)

Quotes by MarkSmark

I haven't been on witty that long, but I think I may be obsessed.
I've been looking at different quotes, and the majority of them are things like;

I wonder what it's like to be pretty,
Seeing a pretty girl and wishing you were like that ,

I just wanted to let you guys know, your all beautiful. Each and everyone of you.
Seriously, I don't see anything wrong with any of you. Your all nice, pretty, and just good people. Don't put yourself down like that because it's not true. You are pretty, and you shouldn't be wishing to be anyone else but yourself. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that your all beautiful(:


When someone tries talking to me when I have my

headphones on

I just nod vigoriously and say "Uh-huh' a few times.

I'm the type of person who wont even flinch while watching a horror movie, but will scream like hell when toast pops out of the toaster.

How can I make your day? (: 
That awkward walk from your front door to your friend's car when they come to pick you up

You know your in trouble when your mom says your full name
The less you say, the most people will listen

Hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything

 The Fact Book
Female penguins engage in prostitution

I like a song, I download, I listen to it 10100000 times, I can't stand it.