
Joined: November 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134969
Oh, hey :)

I'm Meggg, always in a good mood; living this life to the fullest!

Living for the nights that turn into morning; and the friends that turn into family

Quotes by MegsHomie

No offense...

But I'm getting really sick of these sob stories.

♥ i f you agree

So today in Latin class

There was announcement over the intercom that said
"There will be no cheerleading practice today"

So my teacher turns to the obnoxious boy in my class and said
"Travis, did you hear that? No practice today!"
Travis says
"I'll remember that when I'm behind you on the stairs one day..."


Okay so i need your help.
i  have  been  in  love  with  my  best friend  for  a  long time. i made him a twitter  today, that  he  thinks  is soo  stupid. but  he  said  that  if  i  can  get  him  300 followers by tomorrow  at  9 am, he will tell me his  true  feelings  for  me

PLEASE helppppp girls<3!/Gmoneyy34

Me: Wow why are my hands soo cold!
My Brother: Because, your hands lead straight to your icy HEART
love you too, Adam...



Dear Osama Bin Laden,

Well played.


Fave if you get it ;)

say my name;
say my name

 and I just wanted to be some
wear  it  out

It's okay to admit
           that you're not okay.

Dear iPad,

You are SUCH a poser


Y o u '   r  e      g  o  n  n  a     m  a  k  e     i  t   
  Through the rain