
Joined: December 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 143029
I'm Melissa Johnson. I'm 14 years old and I'm a Basketball Freak. (: I've been playing basketball since i was a toddler and it's the ♥ of my life. I love to bowl, cook, hang with friends, listen to country. (i'm in love with country music.) , shop, sled, snowboard, and lots more. I'm a very nice girl. I can be a bitch sometimes if you get me really mad. So don't get on my bad side (; . But other wise, i'm a real sweetheart, I'm not like some of my friends who date guy after guy. I like to take it slow with guys. If they break up with me, I don't go out dating another guy right after that. I like to wait at least a couple of weeks before i start again. Oh & I'm a huge fan of plaid. (; Any colors. mostly red, blue, pink, green, yellow, white, grey, and many more colors. If it wasnt for my cousins, I wouldn't love country as much as i do today(; Oh I would love to be a forensic anthropologist when I'm Older. It's like trying to find out how people died. I'm a huge fan of Kathy Reichs & Emily Deschanel. If it wasn't for the TV Show: Bones or Kathy Reichs books, I wouldn't wanna be a Forensic Anthropologist. Probably a CSI(: I also ♥ ♥ ♥ HORROR MOVIES(: Ok i think i said enough now(: Text Me If You're Cute ♥ Bye. (: My Best Friends are, JENNA MARIE DIBLASSIO AND SELENA WILSON!! ♥ Nobody could ever replace them, I'm lucky i have them ♥

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